Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Module 2 Assignment: Elements of Distance Education Diffusion

Select one of these three elements for your reflection in this module and respond to the following in your blog:
  • How has this element evolved?
  • What online tools are available today to facilitate these interactions among learners?
     The element I chose to discuss is communication, this is because communication is the key to any and everything. As an educator, I agree with Siemens when he says that many people have problems communicating with other people face-to-face. The intimidation alone may cause that person to shut down or to not show their full potential and be able to express themselves. As discussed by Siemens, he points out that communication has increased through distance education, and the distance between learning has been limited. 
     Siemens also talked about created a comfort level for students, where they are able to communicate to people whom they would not normally be able to communicate with. Through the online courses, they become more comfortable and they are able to take that comfort level outside of the online class and engage in life-like situations, and of which may be face-to-face. 
     I would have to agree with Siemens, because it can be hard to read in front of strangers or engage in educational conversations with strangers you do not know. However, with the online courses they build a comfort level and soon began to hold face-to-face conversations and feel comfortable about it. This increases their self-esteem, where they are able to excel and achieve higher than they would normally. 

Online tools would include skype, facebook, and these are two that I am familiar with. I have learned to skype and it is the best thing that could have ever been  invented. It allows you the opportunity to talk and see people around the world. 

Another blog site related to communication is blog listed some other tools that relate to communication online such as: webcam and email.  

Laureate Education, Inc. (2008). Principles of Distance Education. Baltimore: Author.


  1. Julonda,

    The points you have made about communication are important. Communication is the key to everything in education. We communicate with administrators, students, parents, community members, and our peers. Many people do have a problem speaking in front of a crowd. Therefore, DE does create a comfortable atmosphere for those students.

    We have so many tools available now that allow us to communicate with people locally and globally. It is important that we take advantage of these so we can improve our communication skills.

    You can visit my blog at:

  2. Tina,
    Thanks for the response, and I agree with you, I feel as though throughout my years, there was a time when I struggled with communication and I think that if DE was pushed on earlier, it would have made it a lot easier for me:)
